Wrongful Convictions Can’t be Ignored in Florida

When thinking about a wrongful conviction you may well be thinking of the Netflix movie ‘Making a Murderer.’ While watching it you probably came up with an opinion as to whether the verdict should be guilty or not guilty. There is without a doubt most certainly a bone of contention about the outcome for the defendant. However, regardless of what you support in relation to the current conviction, Avery’s wrongful conviction is a stark reminder of the possible margins of error that the judicial system may accept. If you have been wrongfully charged you should talk to an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney before you end up in court and get convicted.
Despite the increase in sophisticated techniques for detecting a defendant in a crime situation the results aren’t always right. As a result, many Americans are convicted of crimes they never committed. It’s not too much to say that one wrongful conviction is simply not good enough and should put the country to shame. Findings revealed by Samuel Gross revealed that 300 exonerations had taken place since the rise in DNA testing, which was first put to use in 1989. To make matters even worse some had been placed on death row for crimes they didn’t even commit. No one really knows how many people really got the justice they deserved.
The main causes of wrongful convictions
Few would argue that the judicial system in Florida isn’t effective for at least helping to preserve the peace by apprehending those involved in criminal activities. However, human error when convicting isn’t acceptable. It can ruin lives.
The commonest reasons for a wrongful conviction could be due to one or more of the following:
• misidentification by an eyewitness; • forensic analysis that hasn’t been carried out properly; • false confessions; • informants who provide the wrong information.
Lives changed forever
A family is pulled apart when a family member is dragged off to prison for a crime he or she never committed. Lives may never get back to normal, even if at a later date the person who was wrongfully convicted is exonerated and the victim released. Also, an innocent person will have been prosecuted and possibly incarcerated while the person who was really guilty was free to carry out other crimes affecting more innocent people.
Children may lose the comfort of a parent. When that parent is released years later after an effective fight to get justice, those long years of absence can never be fully replaced. Even if financial compensation is granted on release, this cannot bring back the past. The judicial system is there to penalize the lawbreaker, not punish the innocent.
If you or a family member is serving jail time or a prison sentence for a crime you believe was never committed you need to talk to Miami criminal defense attorney Albert Quirantes. He will do his best to get the conviction exonerated, which will let you or your loved one free. Call him today at 305-644-1800.

Albert Quirantes: Your Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer & DUI Lawyer
For over 30 years, Miami criminal defense attorney Albert M. Quirantes has been aggressively and zealously defending the rights of those accused of felony and misdemeanor crimesthroughout South Florida. With his dedicated team, reasonable legal fees, and a well-earned reputation for challenging prosecutors at every turn, he has protected over 8,000 clients during some of the roughest times of their lives.
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If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, please call us today at (305) 644-1800 or fill out our online form to arrange for your free, confidential initial consultation.
If you have any questions about this or any other criminal accusation, call Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Albert Quirantes at: (305) 644-1800 or visit our homepage www.CriminalDefendant.com for a direct link to the office or a text message or a map and directions to our office.