Take Care Driving if You are Taking Physician Approved Medication
If you take any type of medication prescribed by your physician, you need to know whether taking it regularly can affect your driving abilit

I Didn’t Know it Was Stolen! Did I Commit a Crime?
You could face imprisonment if you are found in possession of stolen property. Penalties for possession of stolen property are in...

I’ve Been Accused of Stalking – Could I be Arrested?
Stalking is a crime in Florida, as it is in all other states. If convicted, it could mean imprisonment, fines and other longer term effects

How to Get Your Gun Rights Restored After a Felony Conviction
Every American theoretically has the right to hold and bear arms. This is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment. The ri

Can I Vote if I Have a Felony Conviction?
If you believe that you can make a difference and vote in an election, whether it is for the U.S. President, or for the state Senate or Cong

What Happens if You are Charged With a Felony Offense?
It can be a frightening and worrying experience if you have just been arrested for the first time, especially if you don’t believe you commi

The Fine Line Between Finding and Stealing
It happens to everyone at some point in their lives. They find some money or an item that seems to have been left behind somewhere on their

How Easy is it to Be Convicted of Driving While Stoned?
Cannabis laws are changing all over the U.S., but nowhere is it legal to drive while stoned (DWS). If your driving is erratic, you could be

Graffiti – Street Art or Crime?
Graffiti is many things to many people, but if it involves spraying paint on to other people’s property without their consent, it could be c

Can Crazy People Be Convicted for a Crime they Committed?
Sometimes, crazy people do crazy things. Even if you were sleepwalking and committed a crime, this may be considered “temporary insanity” an