A Manslaughter Charge For Drejka, But Did He Stand His Ground?
Pinellas County’s Attorney General has decided to settle on a manslaughter charge against the killer of Markeis McGlockton, Michael...

Defenses Against a Charge of Aggravated Assault
Aggravated assault in Florida is a serious criminal act. Under Florida Stat. §784.021 anyone convicted of aggravated assault, a felony...

How Difficult is it to Prove That Someone Was ‘Baked’ When Driving?
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles put out a new ad earlier this year to try and stem the number of crashes that...

How Can my Mug Shot be Removed from the Internet Once I have Been Informed of the Expungement of My
Getting your criminal record expunged or sealed is never an easy task. You probably assume that once you have completed all the paperwork...

What’s Behind the Huge Drop in DUI Arrests in South Florida?
Something has happened regarding drunk driving in South Florida and everyone is scratching their heads trying to figure out why. It’s not...

What’s the Difference Between State and Federal Criminal Charges?
States can legally enforce their own state laws, but many overlap with federal laws. For example, when it comes to the manufacturing of...

Can Bite Marks be Used as Evidence?
Most criminal proceedings reach a conclusion based on indisputable evidence. Evidence comes in different forms, including DNA and bite...