Celebratory Prison Release Party Soon Over for Florida Men
Two Florida men wreaked havoc at a party celebrating a prison release recently.
Obviously not really realizing how good being out of prison can feel one ex jail inmate and his buddy hosted the prison release party at a house they had broken into.

The owner of the house was away for a few days and while his house was vacant two people forced entry and spent 5 days enjoying a celebratory party. When the owner returned, he returned he was shocked beyond belief when he found two strange men asleep in his bed. One of the party goers was Jaquel Fleming, who was recently released from jail. He wished to celebrate his new found freedom with friend Keilow Roundtree.
On finding the intruders, Mr. Thompson the homeowner quickly dialed 911 and in just a few minutes police officers came to the home, surrounded it and demanded that Fleming and Roundtree vacate the premises immediately. As they were not instantly responsive the deputies reportedly had to release their K-9s to force the men to obey commands.
According to Thompson, damage valued at no less than $4,000 was discovered and there was also some indication that marijuana had been smoked inside for some of the time.
Fleming has already been arrested 7 times in Polk County for an assortment of charges ranging from carrying of a concealed firearm, theft, burglary, grand theft of a motor vehicle and possession to resisting arrest. He had just completed a sentence of 220 days and was celebrating his release.
Apart from the damage left over from the party the party goers had punched holes in walls with a hammer and had spread paint all over a carpet. 3 air conditioning units were also allegedly missing.

The party is all over for the two and both Roundtree and Fleming are being kept in a county jail pending trial and their new charges include resisting arrest, criminal mischief, grand theft and burglary.
The homeowner, who said he would rather now burn the bed than sleep in it, stated that it would be difficult to restore the home to its pre-party condition. He is wondering why neighbors didn’t contact the police sooner, considering the length of the celebrations.
Florida treats crimes such as breaking and entering or burglary very seriously and these two, one of which is a repeat offender won’t get off lightly for this recent spate of law breaking. It seems that Fleming does not understand the difference between being a free man and being held in custody in the county jail or state prison for a considerable period of time. If he had had any sense he would have at least held a celebratory party in a place he is permitted to be and not allegedly burglarize and enter into someone else’s home. Even if the house owner had not come back when he did sooner or later the two men would have probably been caught by finger print identification and DNA.
They will both need help from an experienced Florida criminal defense attorney to represent them in court and ensure they aren’t convicted of any crimes they did not commit and don’t get more jail time than is appropriate for the new offenses.

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If you have any questions about this or any other criminal accusation, call Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Albert Quirantes at: 305-644-1800 or visit our homepage www.CriminalDefendant.com for a direct link to the office or a text message or a map and directions to our office.